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Saturday, April 18, 2020

Coronavirus USA..............

I see the current deaths from Coronavirus in USA at running at about 30,000...................


Tom Stephenson said...

I can hear his voice as I read...

Avus said...

Says it all, really. Hopefully his shambolic handling of the crisis will lose him the next election.

Roderick Robinson said...

I particularly like the detail - Dr F's fingers still fondling the roll of gaffer tape.

And this is the country that gave itself Washington, Jefferson, FDR and Obama as presidents. Time for a competitor to Mount Rushmore - just one head and shoulders but carved out of marshmallow. Better still matured manure.

Avus said...

I had missed that detail - perfect!

I think even a matured manure image of this idiot would be too kind. His presidency should be utterly forgotten as a shameful interlude to that great counrty's history.

gz said...

How he can further increase the blockade on Venezuela... including medical supplies...
Just unbelievable.

Avus said...


How the hell does someone like him make president of the USA? Maybe it's really true that nations get the politicians they deserve. America's political system needs shaking up and the only ones who can do that are the people, generally, at the next lection.

Don Reed said...

What an ignorant and ignoble posting, one that ruined the otherwise splendid impression that had been initially made (this was my first visit to your site, while investigating the great storm of 1287).

Shame on you.

Don Reed 08/28/20