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Thursday, August 31, 2006


Since Vita and HHnB seem to be into the "nose" thing at present I thought I should publish my Roman Schnozzle!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Off to Hadrian's Wall country for a week with the caravan. Whilst there incorporating an Ermine Street Guard (see: http://www.esg.ndirect.co.uk) re-enactment at the Roman site at Corbridge. The weather forecast (as seems normal up North) is for heavy rain. Oh! that rusty armour and sodden sandals! Have just spent a day cleaning all my Roman kit - shall probably come home and spend the same time getting it up to scratch again. When I was in the British army "brass, blanco and bull" was the bane of our lives - now I do it for a hobby!

Friday, August 18, 2006


Jo - 14 year old grand daughter rang to say she was bored at home and could she come to stay for a few days.

Collected her in car (45 mile trip), Every evening long walks with the dog (who thought heaven had arrived) day 2: to cinema (Pirates of Caribbean 2 - great fun), day 3: 80 mile run on the motorbike, day 4: we ride around Romney Marsh on push bikes, day5: reverse delivery in car.

Return home, handed large gin and tonic by "grandma", collapse in chair. Great fun, hard work, but at least you can spoil them and then send them home!

"The joys of youth are but a moment long" as the song has it - trouble is, she has them, I am past them!