I will always reply to comments and always re-reply to re-replies.

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Monday, February 18, 2008

SECRET HILL (HerhimnBryn)

Yes - I know she says she has stopped blogging, but she has put another (I will not say "last") entry on her site to show us the completed studio. "Just perfick" as Pop Larkin would have said!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


(click to enlarge)
Well - that's a first! (especially for HHnB!) No-one managed to locate the quote in my "Kipling's Remedy" post. It comes from "Juggling Jerry" by George Meredith (the poet of Box Hill). Here is the verse from the poem:

Yonder came smells of the gorse, so nutty,
Gold-like and warm: it's the prime of May.
Better than mortar, brick and putty
Is God's house on a blowing day

Obscure poem by an unfashionable poet. But when, as a schoolboy in 1954, I saved up and bought my first lightweight bicycle frame those two lines were written above the frame builder's message in his catalogue. Then and now in summed it all up, really.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

MARMITE (again)

So, they've done it again!
( see my previous posting:
Marmite lovers, you can now get, for a limited period, "Champagne Marmite" for Valentine's Day.